Friday, February 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

by Erin Ferucci
Celebrity Lifestyle Designer

Okay, Okay, it’s the beginning of February, but now is still an ideal time to start on New Year’s Resolutions. And is there a better place to formulate your new year plan than a walk on the beach on a blustery windy February morning?

One of my goals this year is to really make things happen ~ to “do” instead of simply “dream”. I’ve started a new dream board and have begun making lists of places that I have dreamed of going.

In the health department I have decided to give up my usual 2-3 cup coffee habit that is laced with “fake” flavored creamers. This morning I enjoyed a lovely cup of green “yogi” tea with agave. It was an interesting and delightful change.
I have also renewed my passion for juicing. Juicing is a healthy alternative to snacking in order to satisfy cravings and it is a great way to get your daily recommended doses of fruits and vegetables. It's amazing the sheer volume of vegetables that can be packed into one tasty beverage. I highly recommend it!

Stay tuned to the Blog as I turn my dream board into a reality.

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