Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Art of Wreath Making

By Erin Ferucci
Celebrity Lifestyle Designer

I was decorating a few of my client’s homes for xmas last week, when I came across the ACTUAL process of wreath making, at 6 in the morning!! (while the rest of the world sleeps)
A wreath artisan stands at a work station with a machine that resembles a sewing machine; there is a foot pedal on the floor to operate the machine. The artisan places a special wreath form on to the table and begins to load the desired greenery into the prongs. There are many different sizes and shapes of wreath forms. After the artisan carefully arranges the leaves in a creative display he/she pushes the foot pedal and Viola!!! The wire clamps down, holding the leaves on the wreath in place permanently. This wreath is lush with beautiful bay leaves.This beautiful citrus and eucalyptus wreath was custom made for a fancy hotel in Los smelled divine! I thought the whole process was fascinating!

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