Thursday, October 16, 2008

Casa Del Bianco

All designers have secrets. Little bits of information that we have that we know will wow a client. Today I am giving away one of my secrets, I probably shouldn't, but I love the owners of this shop so much and their sheets are so spectacular that I'm giving up my secret. Now everyone will know where to get the same custom made sheets that celebrities and the uber wealthy rest their heads upon, Casa Del Bianco.
If what they say is true and we spend over a third of our lives asleep, then skimping on budget linens is not the thing to do. If you want the best linens that money can buy, then you want Casa Del Bianco fine Italian Bed Linens. Every thing is hand woven in Italy. They are a gift to yourself. Trust me this is what the wealthy and influential have on their beds, I know because I put them there!

Their small but chic shop on Lexington Avenue in New York is a veritable treasure trove of custom linens. If you want to put together the perfect bed from top to bottom this shop is the secret answer. If Oprah isn't sleeping on these sheets she should be!

The sheets are custom made so you can pull a look and feel together simply and create a stunning bed that is divine to look at and even better to sleep in. There is so minimum order at this palace of bedding, so if you only want two shams - not a problem.

You can order the linens on line, but if you are in New York you must treat yourself to the sensual experience of these linens. Tell Lupe and Fabrizio that Erin Ferucci sent you. And now my secret is out!

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