Start with a winter makeover for your deck, patio, or balcony. Clean away any clutter of debris that has accumulated in the deluge of fall leaves. Then take whatever winter precautions are necessary for your furniture and appliances. In colder states, furniture may need to be stored or covered, in warmer states cushion might need flipping/fluffing or rotation.
When the hard work is done it’s time for rewarding trip to your local Home Depot, Lowes or Do It Store. Make sure to take a list of any hardware that is needed for repairs or winterization, but the main reason for this trip is to do a mini splurge on succulents to accent your outdoor living or to spruce up your home.
You don’t need to spend much money to create a lovely succulent wonderland. In colder states you may want to focus on bringing the succulents indoors and creating a lovely focal point.
This fabulous succulent wall was featured in the Methome July/August 2008 issue. The landscape designer is Mia Lehrer & Associates. I like the idea that this is living art.Here in Southern California, I love to plant durable succulents dish gardens grouping several different varieties to make a colorful mini garden. They are beautiful, functional and extremely low maintenance. Their shallow roots require very little water. Even if you are someone who forgets to water, these plants never die. They are amazing. They love containers.
Taking the time to winterize your deck, patio or balcony will help preserve your furniture and appliances and save you money. Planting succulents will increase your enjoyment of your home now, through the long winter and even in the spring.
Her arrangements are remarkably unique and feature spectacular organic displays of nature inspired art.
Julie Krislyn designs trees that don’t die. She does something that no one else does. Some crazy things, crazy in a good way. She's very original. Innovative, cutting edge, unique and eco friendly
The sheets are custom made so you can pull a look and feel together simply and create a stunning bed that is divine to look at and even better to sleep in. There is so minimum order at this palace of bedding, so if you only want two shams - not a problem.
You can order the linens on line, but if you are in New York you must treat yourself to the sensual experience of these linens. Tell Lupe and Fabrizio that Erin Ferucci sent you. And now my secret is out!